Thursday, August 4, 2011

This and That

GAH, where does the time go?! Sorry for neglecting you my fair readers!

So... what is new in the "super exciting" dating life of BBR?! Well, not much but I will recap some fun adventures that I have engaged in so I can say "see, I DO stuff!"

  • J and I signed up for a Belle Isle clean up with REI a few weeks ago. We thought when it said "help weed some invasive species" we would be like raking flowerbeds or something. WRONG.... we spent 4 hours in 90 degree heat chopping/dragging honeysuckle out of a poison ivy infested patch. That shit is hard! Bonus: The REI guy was hot. Unbonus: Hot people intimidate me... especially skinny, fit looking ones. Plus, I am pretty sure he could call my bluff on liking the outdoors. Anyway, no dating prospects there but I counted it as exercise for the next 4 days though....

  • Last Friday we intended the Ferndale Bar Crawl. We figured we could meet some people and drink for a cause (woo charity drinking). We discovered when we got there, however, that we were in the younger spectrum of attendees. WTF! Where do all these 40-50 year olds live?! Why are there no young, single people in a BAR CRAWL. I mean, the night wasn't a total loss... we got smashed, went to some new spots, met a lesbian couple and I got hit on by a married dude... the search continues.

  • The cute waiter (ok, he used to be cute and now he has a full hipster beard) recognized me and gave me a high five at the Pig and Whiskey fest. I see him EVERYWHERE but it is nice to "know" people around town :)

Ok, I guess that list is shorter than I thought...

Oh, in online dating world, I have been corresponding with 3 dudes. I am supposed to meet one guy tomorrow for coffee and plans are in the works with another. They seem normal enough and ALL three live in Royal Oak so I don't have to travel far :)

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

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